Saturday, February 19

The Living Water

The Samaritan Woman at the Well in John 4:13
"Jesus answered, and said to her: 'Who so ever drinketh of the water shall thirst again; But he that shall drink of the water that I give him, shall not thirst for ever'"

The flowing of the water:
The truth of inspiration that someone gives
The acknowledgment of friendship
The feeling of security
The contentment of sureness
The peacefulness of knowing
The joys of acceptance

Like the coolness of water the honesty of direction is the realization of the rights and wrong that our spirit must conceive. The truth flows with the knowledge and understanding of his words, for what is given and taken away is guided with direction for the goodness of the soul. The drops of wisdom come to each individual when acceptance with an open heart is ready to receive wisdom.

The Father leads us and we must follow, then guided with his words we can give help to our brothers with the food of truth, bringing the flow of kindness that will console and provide the ways of the heavens to the spirit that looks for knowledge, this will then be enhanced by the whispers of our lord.
-Sister Dominica Marie

"Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you. Amen." — St. Thomas Aquinas

Monday, February 14

The Angel of our ways

Our angel, a divine being and messenger of God which brings special protection and guidance that allows one to go forth to spread the love of the heavens.

Our angel, the swirling light of honesty which brings a shinning glow that allow the joys of truth, a companionship given to keep connection to the strengths and faith formed before time.

Our angel, the wonderment of the unknown, like a fine string of gold that comes from the gentleness and caring of our maker which gives help in spreading the rays of knowledge with sincerity of trust and love.

Our angel must be called upon daily to help us in our works for the Lord,for a clearness of thoughts will be given to guide us with ease and bring success to all goodness we wish to achieve.

The presence of our angel:
Was there ever a moment of hesitation, an indecision presented to spirit, then in a single moment a powerful sureness overcomes the stillness of thoughts, this is the angel of our ways who brings to the surface what we have known deep from within, to allow the understanding to flourish and bring brightness of light to others, for whatever kindness is given must be given back to all for the formation of the true faith that proves that unconditional love is God.
-Sister Dominic Marie

"We can't have full knowledge all at once. We must start by believing; then afterwards we may be led on to master the evidence for ourselves."
-St. Thomas Aquinas

Friday, February 4

Ascending to the Light of Heaven

The stairway of light

The laughter of children
The cooing of a baby
The love of a parent
The devotion of a pet
The sincerity of a friend
The wisdom of the elderly
The kindness from the heart
The understanding of a mistake

Above are only the beginning joys of the journey planned from our maker to his faithful. Much is given to the believer, for pure trust is the merging of the spirit into the wisdom of the ways, accept truth and prepare for one of the greatest stories ever, the adventures of your life.

Receive guidance each night
Go within to the peaceful dwelling house of our Father, where a safe haven for the soul receives comfort from the journey of your day. In the quiet of the night words are given to the stillness of your thoughts, this with the gentleness of peace will guide your ways to the truths of love, which in turn gives a calmness that surrounds spirit and allows hope to continue and give praise to our God.
-Sister Dominica Marie OPD

For even as it is better to enlighten than merely to shine, so it is better to give to others the fruits of one’s contemplation than merely to contemplate.
-St. Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologiae, II-II, 188.6)