Wednesday, April 6

Obedience with Fortitude

Daniel 2:20 And speaking, he said: Blessed be the name of the Lord from eternity and for evermore: for wisdom and fortitude are his.

The fortitude of the spirit provides the stability needed to go forth and proclaim the words that explain his ways. Be consistence for this portrays loyalty which shows devotion and is needed to bring all to the openings of the mystery of God's love. As the spirit delights with the task given, the showing of our beloved's way is connected and a great joy enters and brings the closeness to each which is the opening to his heart.

Without resistance obedience then becomes a factor, for commitment that brings devotion and dedication allows relationships to flourish and with total submission influences and effects our thinking. Each has an obligation to others to pave the way easily so no question can arise, for the journey each must take should continue the learning with ease. As children of God we must comply for with the understanding of truth given by his words we understand and know of his ways which brings love. Look back and see all the amazing ways our Lord provided protection when obstacles crossed our path. With the prayers of many and the allowance of Jesus our many desires were covered by his love. Keep the faith and join the battle to accomplish the goodness of heart and stay within his presence and become one with God for this is the goal we must accomplish to reach the heights of our heavenly home. So be consistent with obedience and all will be what has been written before time. -Sister Dominica Marie

"Obedience unites us so closely to God that it in a way transforms us into Him, so that we have no other will but His. If obedience is lacking, even prayer cannot be pleasing to God. " St. Thomas Aquinas

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