Monday, January 16

Experience Grace and become Creation

They that trust in him, shall understand the truth: and they that are faithful in love shall rest in him: for grace and peace is to his elect. -Wisdom 3:9 

As we embrace spirit and being, we see that there is hope in creation.  With hope comes joy.  We know that the joy of our heart will overflow into the world by the connections we have made with God's truth and love.  Joy becomes a guide for us as we walk the path of life.  As we walk in truth and love, we walk in joy.

From love comes strength.  This holy strength is the spark that lights the flame of faith inside you.  God will nurture this faith with life's own joy.  Angels will guide you to feel the love of God through trust in the gentle guidance whispered to the heart from the Spirit of God's own voice.  This voice is Grace. To hear it is to experience the connection to heavens.  This is God's own hand upon you.  True creation emerges from this process of being filled with God's grace.

Creation exists to be in the presence of God.  To be in God's presence is to be loved without being judged, to be free to live without opposition and explore the possibilities of a Grace-filled life.  Those in the Grace of  God can look about and see the angels creation moving like a breeze that brings comfort and peace to all who seek goodness.  

Those who have Grace will speak with instruction like a beam of light that will surround those who have an open heart.  This process by which God's own voice comes into the world, through Grace entering creation and then answering itself in voice, is Creation.  In this process is all the mysteries of Life.  To embrace this process is to embrace life and become the work of God.

Choose well which path you take.  Let Joy guide your steps so as to experience this process of Grace.

From Sr. Dominica Marie:
Our contentment from the joy of Grace brings the understanding of who exactly we are where we should be and what has been given to us. Creation is love given and formed by the one who brings us life, to complete and connect to this source of life and become one.  This oneness is the goal of contentment. To be within this Spirit and to feel the security of strength is what my soul strives for. This is what we are and who we are with our Messiah as our guide for his love is great and with him our existence is of love and all things are possible.

From the Letters of St Catherine of Siena:
 "I long to see you so totally ablaze with loving fire that you become one with gentle First truth. Truly the soul's being united with and transformed into him is like fire consuming the dampness in logs. Once the logs are heated through and through, the fire burns and changes them into itself, giving them its own color and warmth and power."

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